Friday, August 17, 2012

Depression!?! ME!?!

Consider for a moment these interesting facts… Fact #1: Ants can pull about 30 times and lift about 50 times their own weight!  Now we know why the ant thinks he can move that rubber tree plant.  Fact #2:  The average human with a full head of hair has an estimated number of 85,000 to 150,000 hairs!  And of course there are some obvious exceptions to this “average.” By the way, that same head can shed between 50 to 100 hairs each day (check your drains).

The final fact is more serious, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the “CDC”), 1out of 10 people report being depressed.  That means that if there are 100 people reading this, 10 are facing or dealing with depression.  Stop and let that sink in for just a moment.  I don’t know about you, but that seems staggering to me. 

The worldwide statistics are indicating that depression is becoming more prevalent today than in any other time in history.   Depression can affect anyone regardless of age, education level, economic status, race, religion or any other identifier we know today.   

Now some of you may be asking “Am I sad or depressed?”  Here’s the difference.  Sadness is a normal human emotion that everyone feels from time to time.  It is an emotion that typical comes after some “bad” news, loss, separation, or as a response to our need to adjust to some new situation.  It is short lived, usually centered around an event or “cause’ and comes and goes.  It is typically acute. 

Depression is the opposite.  It typical has not root cause, meaning there is no triggering circumstance or known “cause.”  Depression carries with it a sense of hopelessness, helplessness and isolation and can last for a long time.  It is typically chronic and the typical things that lift the spirit of the sad person, does nothing for the depressed.  But to say nothing can be done is far from the truth.  Research shows that counseling that focuses on helping one change their thoughts and the behaviors that accompany them is very effective.  In some cases, medication is needed. 

But let’s focus on the big picture for a few moments and pull some lessons together from what we know.  First, everyone gets sad once and awhile.  It’s a normal human emotion that God gave us.  The ear of a good friend, a light hearted activity or opening the shades and letting the sunshine in can help.  And it’s safe to say that you don’t need a trip to the doctor for some anti-depressants. 

Second, if you’re depressed, there’s help!  There is no need to feel hopeless, helpless and isolated, you can take action.   But what if you don’t feel like taking action.   Well, it is very normal for depressed individuals to struggle with feelings of apathy and resist taking action.  Yet the longer you wait until you feel like doing something, it may be too late and we become more entrenched within our walls of safety.  Wise counsel once said to me, “Do what you know is right to do, regardless of what you feel and if you do it long enough the feelings will catch up.” 

Finally, if you’re depressed; there is hope, you are not alone, help is just around the corner.  Moriah is here to step up alongside you and to help you find your way through. 

Stay tuned…more about depression to come.  Amen!

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