Thursday, August 2, 2012

To use Moriah Counseling and Consulting or not...that's the question!

In a conversation with a friend whose son owns and operates a Chick-fil-a restaurant, commented about an interesting statement that his son made regarding the recent events surrounding Chick-fil-a and their “Appreciation Day.”  His son said “At the end of the day Chick-fil-a sells chicken.  Not a political position, not a social statement, not a religious view point, just chicken.”   His son went on to say that the “corporate” belief system, however, does shape the way Chick-fil-a does business.   Their position shapes the way they treat the customer, the way they interact, the quality of service, the ultimate care that is taken with each person that enters their establishment. 

Occasionally I get feedback from individuals seeking counseling and investigate Moriah Counseling and Consulting for services.  Some individuals note the “Christian” counseling aspect and then dismiss our agency as a viable source of help based on our spiritual position.   They quickly assert that all we are about is forcing our belief system on them, or to make them a “believer”, or that we will shove Christ down their throats whether they want Him or not. 

So what’s the truth?  Well, at the end of the day Moriah Counseling and Consulting provides counseling services.    More directly, at the end of the day Moriah Counseling and Consulting provides hope and healing through life’s most difficult challenges.    Our beliefs shape the way we do business.  It shapes the way we love, the way we care, the way we show compassion, the way we listen, the way we guide.  Our beliefs provides us with a map that leads us to becoming the best counseling agency Northeast Ohio has ever seen. 

So the question is, “Should you use Moriah Counseling and Consulting for your counseling needs?”  The answer is obviously YES!!!  But not because we are a Christian counseling agency, but because our values, our skills and expertise, our high standards…and the way we demonstrate our care and compassion is the best.  

Chick-fil-a is a huge success!  Why?  Well, because they have a great chicken sandwich (in my opinion).  Their service is absolutely among the best.  Yesterday they had a record day because people showed their support but at the end of the day and at the end of today…they are still just selling chicken. 

We are simply providing counseling.  At the end of the day we are providing hope and healing through life’s most difficult challenges and allowing our beliefs to shape the way we provide care and compassion.   Come and see…

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